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Шпаргалка по командам и хоткеям Unix

Submitted by Ромка on Ср, 03/02/2010 - 14:08

Ромка аватар
Vote up!

Стянуто отсюда: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/debian-reference/ch01.en.html


key description of key binding
Ctrl-U стереть тест перед курсором
erase line before cursor
Ctrl-H стереть символ перед курсром
erase a character before cursor
Ctrl-D terminate input (exit shell if you are using shell)
Ctrl-C terminate a running program
Ctrl-Z temporarily stop program by moving it to the background job
Ctrl-S halt output to screen
Ctrl-Q reactivate output to screen
Ctrl-Alt-Del reboot/halt the system, see inittab(5)
Left-Alt-key (optionally, Windows-key) meta-key for Emacs and the similar UI
Up-arrow start command history search under bash
Ctrl-R start incremental command history search under bash
Tab complete input of the filename to the command line under bash
input Tab without expansion to the command line under bash


command description
pwd выводит текущую директорию
display name of current/working directory
whoami выводит имя текущего юзера
display current user name
id выводит id текущего юзера
display current user identity (name, uid, gid, and associated groups)
file <foo> выводит тип файла, переданного в качестве аргумента
display a type of file for the file "<foo>"
type -p <commandname> выводит расположение файла, вызывающегося при вводе команды
display a file location of command "<commandname>"
which <commandname> , ,
type <commandname> выводит информацию о команде
display information on command "<commandname>"
apropos <key-word> находит команды, связанные с переданным аргумеентом
find commands related to "<key-word>"
man -k <key-word> , ,
whatis <commandname> display one line explanation on command "<commandname>"
man -a <commandname> display explanation on command "<commandname>" (Unix style)
info <commandname> display rather long explanation on command "<commandname>" (GNU style)
ls list contents of directory (non-dot files and directories)
ls -a list contents of directory (all files and directories)
ls -A list contents of directory (almost all files and directories, i.e., skip ".." and ".")
ls -la list all contents of directory with detail information
ls -lai list all contents of directory with inode number and detail information
ls -d list all directories under the current directory
tree display file tree contents
lsof <foo> list open status of file "<foo>"
lsof -p <pid> list files opened by the process ID: "<pid>"
mkdir <foo> make a new directory "<foo>" in the current directory
rmdir <foo> remove a directory "<foo>" in the current directory
cd <foo> change directory to the directory "<foo>" in the current directory or in the directory listed in the variable "$CDPATH"
cd / change directory to the root directory
cd change directory to the current user's home directory
cd /<foo> change directory to the absolute path directory "/<foo>"
cd .. change directory to the parent directory
cd ~<foo> change directory to the home directory of the user "<foo>"
cd -

change directory to the previous directory

</etc/motd pager display contents of "/etc/motd" using the default pager
touch <junkfile> create a empty file "<junkfile>"
cp <foo> <bar> copy a existing file "<foo>" to a new file "<bar>"
rm <junkfile> remove a file "<junkfile>"
mv <foo> <bar> rename an existing file "<foo>" to a new name "<bar>" ("<bar>" must not exist)
mv <foo> <bar> move an existing file "<foo>" to a new location "<bar>/<foo>" (the directory "<bar>" must exist)
mv <foo> <bar>/<baz> move an existing file "<foo>" to a new location with a new name "<bar>/<baz>" (the directory "<bar>" must exist but the directory "<bar>/<baz>" must not exist)
chmod 600 <foo> make an existing file "<foo>" to be non-readable and non-writable by the other people (non-executable for all)
chmod 644 <foo> make an existing file "<foo>" to be readable but non-writable by the other people (non-executable for all)
chmod 755 <foo> make an existing file "<foo>" to be readable but non-writable by the other people (executable for all)
find . -name <pattern> find matching filenames using shell "<pattern>" (slower)
locate -d . <pattern> find matching filenames using shell "<pattern>" (quicker using regularly generated database)
grep -e "<pattern>" *.html find a "<pattern>" in all files ending with ".html" in current directory and display them all
top display process information using full screen, type "q" to quit

ps aux | pager

display information on all the running processes using BSD style output
ps -ef | pager display information on all the running processes using Unix system-V style output
ps aux | grep -e "[e]xim4*" display all processes running "exim" and "exim4"
ps axf | pager display information on all the running processes with ASCII art output
kill <1234> kill a process identified by the process ID: "<1234>"
gzip <foo> compress "<foo>" to create "<foo>.gz" using the Lempel-Ziv coding (LZ77)
gunzip <foo>.gz decompress "<foo>.gz" to create "<foo>"
bzip2 <foo> compress "<foo>" to create "<foo>.bz2" using the Burrows-Wheeler block sorting text compression algorithm, and Huffman coding (better compression than gzip)
bunzip2 <foo>.bz2 decompress "<foo>.bz2" to create "<foo>"
tar -xvf <foo>.tar extract files from "<foo>.tar" archive
tar -xvzf <foo>.tar.gz extract files from gzipped "<foo>.tar.gz" archive
tar -xvf -j <foo>.tar.bz2 extract files from "<foo>.tar.bz2" archive
tar -cvf <foo>.tar <bar>/ archive contents of folder "<bar>/" in "<foo>.tar" archive
tar -cvzf <foo>.tar.gz <bar>/ archive contents of folder "<bar>/" in compressed "<foo>.tar.gz" archive
tar -cvjf <foo>.tar.bz2 <bar>/ archive contents of folder "<bar>/" in "<foo>.tar.bz2" archive
zcat README.gz | pager display contents of compressed "README.gz" using the default pager
zcat README.gz > foo create a file "foo" with the decompressed content of "README.gz"
zcat README.gz >> foo append the decompressed content of "README.gz" to the end of the file "foo" (if it does not exist, create it first)

1 Comment

Полезный набор быстрых

Полезный набор быстрых клавиш. По моему, некоторые из них в suse не работают, в третьем гноме.